300l - Crystal River Shore

Nuno M.

New Member
Hi everyone,

We've started this layout on 25/02/2014

And here goes the Setup

277L (120x50x50 10mm extra-clear glass by Vidromoldura)

DIY - 122x51x82 (metal structure, coated with MDF)

Aquart 4x54w (by Ramirezi)
2x Dennerle Trocal Special Plant 3000k - 2x Dennerle Trocal Amazon Day 6000k

2x JBL e1501 greenline (connected with T-junctions to the hoses Total: 2800l/h)

Hydor ETH External Thermal Heater 300W

Other Equipment:
Co2 Kit by aquaristic.tec 2kg Bottle + 5kg FE
Do!aqua CO2 Music Glass Ø50, Do!aqua CO2 Music Counter
gUSH oPipe 17mm, gUSH gPipe 17mm
gUSH Co2 Indicator

20Kg Spirit Stone, ADA Nile Sand discontinued, ADA La Plata Sand, 2x Red Moor Wood Branch

We will use the substrate ADA Aquasoil New Amazonia + ADA Power Sand Special from the old setup inside of stoking, with a new layer of ADA Aquasoil Amazonia and Amazonia Powder

Estimative Index - Daily (+Ca + Mg)

Bottle 1 - NPK + Ca + Mg (500ml)
KNO3 - 6.52g
KH2PO4 - 4.30g
Ca(NO3) - 14.75g
Mg(NO3) - 8.8g

Bottle 2 - K + FE (500ml)
K2SO4 - 27.3g
EDTA FE (13%) - 7.7g
Acido Ascórbico - 0.5g
Sorbato de Potássio - 0.2g

5ml for 50L daily

This gives a daily input of:

3.2ppm No3
0.6ppm Po4
3.2ppm K
0.5ppm Ca
0.17ppm Mg
0.2ppm Fe

10 Otocinclus Macrospilus
30+ Amano Shrimps
60 Paracheirodon Simulans

Hydrocotyle Tripartita
Hygrophila Pinnatifida
Hygrophila sp. 'Araguaia'
Ludwigia sp.
Marsileia Crenata
Marsilea Hirsuta
Micranthemum 'Monte Carlo'
Riccardia Chamedryfolia
Rotala sp. 'Green'
Rotala Rotundifolia
Staurogyne sp. 'Porto Velho'
Taxiphyllum sp. 'Spiky'

And here goes a video from day 30 :

[BBvideo 425,350:3m89deff]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsJTrJZYupM[/BBvideo]

And as Attachments days from the start-up and evolution :D

Hope you all like it


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Hey Nuno,

maybe you could tell us your name. We love to use it :D

Please update this Post. I really love that Layout, for me its one of the most beautiful setups i have ever seen!

Moooore Pictures ! :thumbs:

Looking forward to hear from you.

really a nice tank, but I know the original tank ;).
It´s pretty much the same.

Best regards
KleinDanio":241ev6w0 schrieb:
Wow. I like that. Very very nice and harmonic. Let's grow!

Liebe Grüße Felix :)

Thank tou Klein ,

I've come here to learn a bit from you german scapers, how to grow luxurious plants :bier:

Andreas74":241ev6w0 schrieb:
Hey Nuno,

maybe you could tell us your name. We love to use it :D

Please update this Post. I really love that Layout, for me its one of the most beautiful setups i have ever seen!

Moooore Pictures ! :thumbs:

Looking forward to hear from you.


What do you mean by ''Tell you my name ?

I'm glad you like it

Ben":241ev6w0 schrieb:

really a nice tank, but I know the original tank ;).
It´s pretty much the same.

Best regards

Hi Ben,

Of course it has it's inspiration elsewhere,

Knowing means remember.
And, therefore, all life is a process of reconstruction.
Siza Vieira (Portuguese Architect) likes to say, "in architecture, no one invents anything it's just other way to say the same." :thumbs:

And two months have passed since the start-up, now with 62 days, couldn't be going better :smile:

Hope you all like this last update ...

Nuno M. & Claire M.


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And here it goes 72 days from start-up

Plants are super healthy, but no pink/red color on the Rotundifolia, I'm thinking on changing the Traces from TNC Trace (EDTA Fe 13%) to KramerDrak (EDTA, HEEDTA, DTPA, NTA)

Anyone has expereinced with it ??

Here goes this week photos with two new additions a colony of CRS and other of RCS Sakura


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I have been using KramerDrak for like one year now, then I changed back to Ferrdrakon/Daydrakon because I had massive growth problems (which now seems not to have anything to do with KramerDrak). The problems must have had different reasons (e.g. the change of my tab water supplyer etc.).

I have a Rotala sp. "colorata" in my tank which now with Ferrdrakon/Daydrakon has an orange-ish colour, with KramerDrak it was much more red/pink.

So I think, if your plants lack a red coulor, the KramerDrak would be a good try. At least in comparison to the Ferrdrakon, it enhances the red colouring.
Thank you for your reply Aquariophilo,

I m going to order some KramerDrak from Aquasabi, and give it a try :smile:

I've also considered using aquarebell - microspezial but it's cheaper buying the KramerDrak in powder form. Than shipping 5l of aquarebell ferts to Portugal ...

Here in Portugal some hobbyists defend that a nitrogen shortage, can bring the red/pink color by stressing their tissues, couldn't this be your case ?

I give my tank, 0,2ppm daily of edta fe 13% , so plenty of iron, but maybe not from the best source :nosmile:

My main goal is to have healthy plants so nutrient shortage is not a way to go for me ...

Here in Portugal some hobbyists defend that a nitrogen shortage, can bring the red/pink color by stressing their tissues, couldn't this be your case ?

Yes, that is definitely true. nitrogen shortage (as well as phosphate shortage in some cases) enhances the red colour of red plants even more.
But I had the same nitrate levels when I used KramerDrak as I have now with Ferrdrakon (around 3-5ppm NO3). So this didn't make the change in colour. Tuis must have been the KramerDrak.
Thank you once more for your reply,

I've taken the time to see your tank, and I have to say it's a nice scape :bier:

I've also watched your dosing regime, and I've been seeing that you ''German Scapers'' use very lean formulas and fertilization regime ...

I use Extimative Index, and been giving only half a dose for my tank, but the nutrient levels are much higher than yours :?

Whats your thoughts on that ?

Nuno Matos
Dear Nuno,

This is a very beautiful layout, congratulations.

Concerning the fertilization I think, the well being of the plants is decisive. In my opinion a lean but sufficient dosage can prevent algae (and costs) problems. But I am no expert in fertilization and very difficult plants.

I really would like to see more pictures and maybe videos.

Hi there Kelle,

I'm no expert in fertilization either, but have been running all my tank's with EI based fertilization and no algae problems , if a correct maintenance is made ...

I started with full EI regime and been adjusting the dose and watching the plant health .

My only problem now is, getting some color to the stem plants, that I believe without raising the iron and traces, but switching it's source my by the trick to it ...

As for videos I have one of 30 days from start-up on the first post

I will try to make a new one soon ...

Maybe next week when a the new school of fish will enter :thumbs:

Nuno Matos
Here it goes 78 days from start-up :smile:


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Hi Nuno (is this your name?)!

Andreas74":2e5hr2ae schrieb:
maybe you could tell us your name. We love to use it :D
What he wanted to say is, that we speak to each other by our firstnames here at this forum. Have a look at our signatures.

This is a really healthy, beautiful tank! I also know the "original", but this does no harm to the result. Your layout is niiice! ;)

Regarding the red coloring of the Rotala... I use Aqua Rebell Mikro Spezial Flowgrow and this works fine. What ferts do you use for N? In my opinion this also has influence to the coloration of plants.