
Ammannia capitellata

Aquarium suitability: yes
Usage: Background, Midground, Street (Dutch style)
Difficulty: medium
Growth: medium
Range and localities: 

Islands of the Indian Ocean; origin of the aquarium population: Madagascar, Ambodimanga river north of Tamatave

Availability [?]: 
  • occasionally available from other aquarists

  • Ammannia mauritiana S. A. Graham & Gandhi
  • Lythrum triflorum L. f.
  • Nesaea capitellata C. Presl
  • Nesaea triflora (L. f.) Kunth

Misapplied names: 
  • Ammannia triflora

Habit, plant type:

  • stem
Botanical name [?]: Ammánnia capitelláta (C. Presl) S. A. Graham & Gandhi

Major group (unranked): Seed plants: Flowering plants (Angiosperms)
Order: Myrtales
Family: Lythraceae
Genus: Ammannia


This stem plant was introduced in the aquarium hobby under the name Nesaea triflora. In accordance with the transfer of all former Nesaea and Hionanthera species to the genus Ammannia, the species was renamed to Ammannia mauritiana in 2013. Then it has been shown that its correct name is Ammannia capitellata (more explanations will be added here).

This species is a marsh plant found on several islands of the Indian Ocean including Madagascar.

A variant of Ammannia capitellata that was unfortunately unsuitable for aquaristics was brought to Europe from the region south of Tamatave (Madagascar) in the 1990s. In 2000, Ammannia capitellata from Ambodimanga river north of Tamatave was imported (as Nesaea triflora). There it grows together with Myriophyllum mezianum. This clone can be cultivated submersed very well.

To be continued...

References and further reading:
  1. Graham, S.A. & Gandhi, K. (2013a): Nomenclatural Changes Resulting from the Transfer of Nesaea and Hionanthera to Ammannia (Lythraceae). - Harvard Papers in Botany 18 (1): 71-90.
  2. Graham, S.A. & Gandhi, K. (2013b): Nomenclatural Changes Resulting from the Transfer of Nesaea and Hionanthera to Ammannia (Lythraceae). Addenda et corrigenda. - Harvard Papers in Botany 18 (2): 155-156.
  3. Kasselmann, C. (2010): Aquarienpflanzen. 3rd edition (German). - DATZ Aquarienbuch, Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart: 452.
  4. Kasselmann, C. (2015): Nomenklatorische Änderungen bei Nesaea und Ammannia. - Aqua Planta 1/2015: 12-17.
Light medium to high 
Temperature tolerance 18 to 32 °C
Optimum temperature 24 to 30 °C
Carbonate hardness 2 to 14 °dKH
pH value 5 to 8 
Carbon dioxide (CO2) 10 to 40 mg/l
Nitrate (NO3-) 10 to 50 mg/l
Phosphate (PO43-) 0.1 to 3 mg/l
Potassium (K+) 5 to 30 mg/l
Iron (Fe) 0.01 to 0.5 mg/l

Growth: medium

Propagation: Cuttings

Can grow emersed?: yes

Suited for outdoor cultivation / ponds: unknown

Winter hardiness: not hardy in Germany

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