Size (L × H × D): 30 × 35 × 30 cm
Volume: 31.5 l
Glass Type: Float Glass
4234 Days

Nachdem mir meine Zuchtbecken zu steril erschienen,wollte ich wenigstens in meinem "Wohnzimmer" mal was grünes gestalten.

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Animal Description: 

Shadow Bee Pinto Mischlinge

Carbondioxide Bottle Size: 2 kg
  • Pressure Gas

Light Power: 11 Watt
  • Compact Fluorescent Lamp

Turnover: 300 l/h
  • External Filtering

Misc. Technique: 
  • Reversed Osmosis
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Temperature -
pH value 5 
Carbon dioxide (CO2) 20 mg/l
Total Hardness -
Carbonate hardness -
Nitrate (NO3-) -
Phosphate (PO43-) -
Potassium (K+) -
Iron (Fe) -
Water Exchange Interval: weekly
Water Exchange %: 10%
There are no further information for the use of fertilizers for this tank.
There are no videos set for this tank.
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