Size (L × H × D): 100 × 50 × 40 cm
Volume: 200 l
Glass Type: White Glass
Layout Style: Planted tank
Background Screen: Black
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  • Flakes
  • Frost
  • Living

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CO2 Bubbles Per Second: 0 
Carbondioxide Bottle Size: 2 kg
  • Pressure Gas
  • Solenoide Valve
  • Internal Injection

  • T5
  • T8
  • Reflectors

Turnover: 700 l/h
  • External Filtering

Temperature Control: 
  • Internal Heating
  • Air Conditioning
Misc. Technique: 
  • Air Compressor
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Technical Description: 

JBL CristalProfi e701 Aussenfilter, JBL ProTemp S300 Heizer, Co² Anlage von US-Aquaristik( Nachtabschaltung + JBL ProFlora Taifun P Nano )

Standart Leuchtbalken mit T8 (1x20W, 1x35W) Glomat T5 HO 2x39W

Temperature 28 °C
pH value 7.5 
Carbon dioxide (CO2) 20 mg/l
Total Hardness 11 °dGH
Carbonate hardness 14 °dKH
Nitrate (NO3-) -
Phosphate (PO43-) -
Potassium (K+) -
Iron (Fe) -
Water Exchange Interval: weekly
Water Exchange %: 50%
Fertilizer Method: manual
There are no further information for the use of fertilizers for this tank.
There are no videos set for this tank.
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