
  1. M

    Suche Staurogyne sp. "Purple" und weitere ...

    Hallo Zusammen Ich suche die: Bucephalandra nanga pinoh blue Cryptocoryne pink panther Staurogyne sp. Purple Ich lebe in Dänemark und spreche vorzugsweise Englisch Bitte um Angebote. Viele Grüße Martin
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    2560l Aquascape Dokumentation

    That sounds great Matze :D A giant paludarium or riparium would look absolutely super. I much prefere that idea over the iwagumi one. Be sure to post updates once you get started. :thumbs:
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    2560l Aquascape Dokumentation

    Really looking forward to seeing this scape unfold over time.. :thumbs: I also like your choice of fish. I don't remember ever seeing a tank this size filled with Nannostomus. I think it is great that your staying with medium to small fish and not falling for the temptation to go big :smile:
  4. M

    Cryptocoryne "Indonesii" ?

    Hi Olaf The plants look almost spot on like some Crytocoryne sp. i got growing in my tank. I got them as an unnamed freebie plant in a order from wasspflanzenfreunde. The underside of the leaves are also red/purplish.