Sorry for the English, i can manage to write this in German but it would take me 10 times longer.. So i write it in English.. :tnx:
About a year ago i did put some Lomariopsis cf lineata in a little Weck glass with some sand and bits of sphagnum. closed it, put it away in a light and warm spot. Created a little Hermetosphere with Lomariopsis only and only opened it now and then to spray it, to simulate some rain. Since this is what a gametophyte, a ferns prothallium requires to propagete and since it can't hurt also with the wishfull thinking it might just do.
The chances it does are reportedly very low, since reportedly :besserwiss: nobody never ever managed to grow a Lomariopsis lineata from a Lomiaropsis cf lineata. So i have absolutely no references at all and only time will tell.
Anyway, after a year i found this 5mm plantlet growing in the bottle.. And since the best info on this plant is to be found here at flowgrow. I thought share the mystery flowgrow might be interested in it's development.
For now i have no idea what it is.. That i see simularities might be just wishfull thinking.. Could be a sneakin hiding in the Sphagnum i used.. But it definitively is a plantlet, so even not sure yet if it is a sporophyte.
But if it is what i think, or beter say hope, it is and if it realy turns into something like this
we might have a :bier:

For now it's "What you see is what you get"
Btw, if you like to reply, for me you can do it also in German.. I can read it.. Only writing 10 lines correctly takes me hours and than it's still full of errors.
About a year ago i did put some Lomariopsis cf lineata in a little Weck glass with some sand and bits of sphagnum. closed it, put it away in a light and warm spot. Created a little Hermetosphere with Lomariopsis only and only opened it now and then to spray it, to simulate some rain. Since this is what a gametophyte, a ferns prothallium requires to propagete and since it can't hurt also with the wishfull thinking it might just do.
The chances it does are reportedly very low, since reportedly :besserwiss: nobody never ever managed to grow a Lomariopsis lineata from a Lomiaropsis cf lineata. So i have absolutely no references at all and only time will tell.
Anyway, after a year i found this 5mm plantlet growing in the bottle.. And since the best info on this plant is to be found here at flowgrow. I thought share the mystery flowgrow might be interested in it's development.
For now i have no idea what it is.. That i see simularities might be just wishfull thinking.. Could be a sneakin hiding in the Sphagnum i used.. But it definitively is a plantlet, so even not sure yet if it is a sporophyte.
But if it is what i think, or beter say hope, it is and if it realy turns into something like this
we might have a :bier:

For now it's "What you see is what you get"
Btw, if you like to reply, for me you can do it also in German.. I can read it.. Only writing 10 lines correctly takes me hours and than it's still full of errors.