The fern in the 2nd set of pics - after Cryptocoryne bullosa -
may be something different from Microsorum pteropus. Threre's a number of rheophytic (adapted to strong current) fern species on Borneo, partly with similar leaf form. E.g. some Leptochilus and Bolbitis species. Venation pattern and spore-bearing leaves would be needed for ID.
Btw., Junglemike writes that the genus name of M. pteropus has changed from Microsorum to Colysis => Colysis pteropus. This combination was made by M.T.M. Bosman in 1991, however it isn't commonly accepted by botanists.
The newest combination of the name, considering the relationship of that species, is
Leptochilus pteropus, made by the author Fraser-Jenkins in a book about Indian ferns (2008).
However, I stick to the name Microsorum pteropus for now, to avoid confusion.