[/quoteMario09":3edm9zi6 schrieb:
Daraus folge ich, dass für Online Content Bereitsteller (im weiteren Sinne Flowgrow) wo Inhalte von Usern und nicht der Platform selbst bereitgestellt werden ein Mechanismus/eine Passage in den AGB/Nutzungsbedinungen enthalten sein muss. Sowas gibt es ja bereits. (Nutzungsbedinungen §4.10).(38b) Taking into account the fact that online content sharing service providers give access to content which is not uploaded by them but by their users, it is appropriate to provide for aspecific liability mechanism for the purposes of this Directive for cases where no authorisation has been granted. This should be without prejudice to remedies under nationallaw for cases other than liability for copyright infringements and to the possibility fornational courts or administrative authorities of issuing injunctions in compliance with Union law.
In particular, the specific regime applicable to new online content sharing service providers with an annual turnover below 10 million euros, whose average number of monthly unique visitors in the Union does not exceed 5 million should not affect the availability of remedies under national and EU law.[/quoteMario09":2knllvru schrieb:huhu ,
Artikel 13 gekippt. Eil-Abstimmung im EU Parlament
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