Bucephalandra-new species


Hello everybody!
My name is Linus and I live in Italy. I'm a fan of aquatic plants and I cultivate rare species, too.This is an interesting forum, but I don't speak German..
Here I saw the bucephalandra motleyana, a beautiful plant but I have other species :)
Il mio blog ---> http://ilmiomondosommerso.myblog.it/

This is Bucephalandra sp. "kalimantan kedagang "-a plant of medium size-


  • Kedagang.jpg
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  • kedagang 2.jpg
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This is Bucephalandra sp. North sanggaua- plant of large size


  • north .JPG
    north .JPG
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  • north 2.JPG
    north 2.JPG
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Tobias Coring

Hi Linus,

very interesting plants! :top:

How long do you have those Bucephalandra in your tank or are you growing them emergent?

How fast are those growing? My Bucephalandra motleyana is growing very slow.


Hi tobi,
I recently received these species, only kedagang is in my tank for about a month. The plant emits about one leaf every week.

All my Buce are in my tank.

Heiko Muth (Sumpfheini)

Aquasabi Mitarbeiter
Hi Lino,

that's great that You have got these interesting Bucephalandras until now rather seen on Japanese sites :top:

"New species": provided that they all really belong to the genus Bucephalandra, it's most likely that they are all local forms of the one highly variable species Bucephalandra motleyana, and don't belong to different species.
Also "our" reddish-brown plant here: pflanzen/Bucephalandra-motleyana-358.html is not the B. motleyana itself but only a particular local form of this species among many other forms. It had been collected by W.A. Tomey in Kalimantan Barat (Borneo) who found also a green B. motleyana form.

There's a paper from Bogner and Hay (2000) about Bucephalandra and related genera: http://www.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au/__data/ass ... Bog179.pdf
They accept only 2 Bucephalandra species: B. motleyana and the bigger B. gigantea (not cultivated). They list quite a number of species names as synonyms of B. motleyana. E.g. Bucephalandra catherineae is a plant with very narrow leaves, perhaps similar to Your "North Sanggaua", but as there are transitional forms, the authors count it among B. motleyana.

A very similar species is Aridarum caulescens, differing from B. motleyana mainly by flower characters.

only kedagang is in my tank for about a month. The plant emits about one leaf every week.
That's stunningly fast!

- Heiko


Hi Heiko,
you're right, these varieties are still unknown in Europe but are very interesting.
Thanks for the important information,probably are all varieties of Buce motleyana.
is more correct then write:

-Bucephalandra motleyana 'kedagang'

-Bucephalandra motleyana 'Sintang'

-Bucephalandra motleyana 'Sekadau1'

-Bucephalandra motleyana 'Nord sanggau'

However Asian growers have found Buce motleyana of different sizes (small,medium, large)



New Member
Hello Linus, I see you've made our last purchase :D
I'm cultivating different bucephalandra sp. under LED illumination, with the drive for fertilization by binding the iron + EDTA and DTPA known in bucephalandra sp. "kalimatan kedagang" growth of about one leaf every 7 / 10 days, while the Bucephalandra sp. Sintang and Bucephalandra sp. Sekadau1 produce a leaf every 15/20 days
here's a picture of my bucephalandra sp. "kalimatan kedagang"



Hello Linus and Ihiari :D ,
I'm also very interested in Bucephalandras and Lagenandras.
Please let me know, if there's a possibility to get even a very small peace of the rhizom from those nice species you've shown us here.
I would be very pleased :engel: .
I wish you both a nice day and good times here in the forum,
have a nice time,


New Member
Hello Matthias, I personally do not trade in plants, and only a passion, more 'that my passion and a real and incurable disease :lol: :lol: also with the slow growth of Bucephalandra it will take 'some time before we can propose a simple exchange


Hi everyone,

I'm interested in this Bucephalandra: http://aquatomsr.exblog.jp/i34
It looks really promising to me... does anyone in Europe (or even better in Germany) take care of this plant? If so, I'd be really pleased, if you would contact me. :wink:

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