(English) Why you should use a scape box

Kalle":3kimmqob schrieb:
Hi Nigel,
a very good video :thumbs: . I'm scaping very similar to your suggestions, and find that your hints have proved to be very useful.

Thanks Kalle.

Good to hear you use the same strategy. As you are a very succesful scaper.

Did you make a new scape for the contests or kept the last one from IAPLC 2017?


Kalle":2lcj276i schrieb:
Hi Nigel,
thx. This year I was to lazy. I couldn't find the right stones and my 2017 slow-growing-no-problem-scape became better as longer as it grows. I couldn't overcome my inhibitions to tear it down and start something new. So I think, next year - :glaskugel: .
What about you? Wich layout will you submit?

Maybe you can send the 2017 scape in a better version to contests like CIPS, WAC, IIAC, if you didn't do that already last year.

Good luck with your next project. I tore down the 80 cm / 128l forest and started a new project already for IAPLC 2019. I am early :p Currently trying the plantless cycle curious if it helps for a better start with more stability. My first time high light this year with ADA RGB Solar. Hope I can balance it out. The ada 45p forest is still running and will be rescaped this summer.

For IAPLC I sent in the 80cm forest. Hope to reach top 500 with it. My first time IAPLC.

Kalle":1092jlri schrieb:
Hi Nigel,

already for IAPLC 2019 ? :shock: Whow.
Yes, I will submit a later shot of Back to the Roots to one or two other contests, but for me IAPLC is the best proof.
But firstly good luck with the current submission! I'm shure your scape deserves a high ranking!


Haha yeah my forest was about 10 months old and I was done with it. I like to rescape when the scape is finished. Yeah I respect IAPLC the most to.

Thank you! I hope so!

Good luck to you to!
