Eriocaulon sp Amanoanum T Koyama


Here is a plant that i am trying to bring over from Hong Kong...

Very pricy plant!

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Hallo Gilles(schöner Name),

Ja, das ist eine sehr schöne Pflanze.
Ich habe auch schon einige Bilder davon gesehen.

Ich persönlich finde die vorne links mit dem rot noch viel schöner.

Möchtest Du mir nicht eine davon mitbestellen?

Gruß Thilo

hm, ich mag diese Pflanzen einfach.

(tranlate with google)
Hi Gilles (nice name),

Yes, this is a very beautiful plant.
I've also seen some pictures of it.

I personally think the front left with the red even more beautiful.

Do you want me also order one of them?

Greetings Thilo

hm, I just love these plants


mensch bin schon länger auf der suche nach der Pflanze unten links. Ist das die Ericaulon sp "Australia Blood Red"?
Kann mir jemand sagen wo ich diese bekommen kann?



The plant on the left is indeed the Eriocaulon sp. Australia 'blood vomit'; i have some lines running (4 in total) in to getting these plants. More to come, i am also trying to get some new rotala species to NL.. :)


@Tilo / Vladi; someone from the USA is willing to send the eriocaulon sp red (although the correct name is Trithuria sp.) They are pricy, i am paying $20 / plant / ex. shipping (!!). So if i receive them in good order i will post an update, send me a PM if you still want to buy 1 or more plants.. I don't have many (obvious)

Heiko Muth (Sumpfheini)

Aquasabi Mitarbeiter
Hi Gilles,
Eriocaulon sp. Australia 'blood vomit'
Yuck, what a name for this nice plant :lol:
someone from the USA is willing to send the eriocaulon sp red (although the correct name is Trithuria sp.)
Btw., Trithuria (family Hydatellaceae) is an interesting stuff also for the botanists, surprisingly they found out that it's a near relative of the waterlily and cabomba family, far away from grass-like groups as Eriocaulon.

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