Fissidens grandifrons

In the spring I will put samples of this mosses in the court (in my work I have good conditions for mosses). Until the spring we'll see how these mosses grow underwater, if they will still growing like now, then will be a good sign that this mosses are good for the aquarium. After that i will try a dry version, growing on land. For this moment mosses grow already 3 months in my tanks.
Do you mean that if submersed moss will return to emersed again then it may look different like at the beginning?
It may depend on the emersed culture conditions, too. But maybe it's more similar to the former emersed habit then. Mosses in general are apparently very plastic depending on growth conditions (light, nutrients, humidity ....) The bryologists have normally specimens grown in the wild, not from culture.
But the older parts of Your mosses which were grown in the wild are not changed, if they are not too much rotten. Whole stems with the older parts on them may be informative enough for ID.

That means, only the new parts grown in the tank may be changed, not the older ones => Your plants should still be o.k. for ID!
I do not want to create another thread, because what I want to show is an unidentified species and comes from the hands of a collector. The same collector is not able to determine why are such a names. Perhaps it comes from the place of growing.

Fissidens Geminiflorus "Nagasaki", wider than zippelianus. For now, only so much I can say about it.

Fissidens sp. "Himehouogoke" - This species is similar to Geminiflorus. Leaves are less stacked. I think that more differences will reveal itself over time.

Another collector species: "Kogoshima Houogoke". You can see the subtle difference in comparison with Nobilis. More acute and oblique branches, it also appears wider. More differences will reveal itself over time


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    Fissidens geminiflorus nagasaki.jpg
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Hi Vasteq,

interesting; You must have a huge Fissidens collection now :smile:
Provided that the Fissidens geminiflorus is correctly determined, this species is aquatic and occurs on wet rocks, according to Flora of China: ... _id=112827 ... =200001056
Let's see how they do submerged!

Btw., Fissidens grandifrons var. planicaulis: 2 cm /year (as You wrote on APC) is very slowly indeed, but the new parts of Your moss look fine => fitting to Bucephalandra :wink:

in fact, Grandifrons grows slowly. But I hadn't also the best conditions, and the starting branches were small. As for those previous Fissidens (Geminiflorus etc.), they are already submmrsed and grow under water for a long time.
As for those previous Fissidens (Geminiflorus etc.), they are already submmrsed and grow under water for a long time.
That sounds good, then they are apparently suited for tanks.
On the Fissidens sp. "Himehouogoke" the old stems (developed emersed?) are much bigger, the new submerged sprouts narrower. But perhaps the latter get bigger by and by.
