Lindernia grandiflora


Active Member
Hi Heiko,
der Abstand zur Röhre ist im Schwachlichtbecken größer (das Starklichtbecken ist nur 16cm hoch :wink: )
Es ist auch kein richtig satter Rotton, sondern eher so ein leichter "Farbschleier" und nicht sehr intensiv gefärbt - aber halt auch nicht ganz "einfach nur grün". u.U. hängt es vielleicht doch mit irgendwelchen Nährstoffen zusammen, da die Konzentrationen in den beiden Becken irgendwo ja sicherlich schon differieren werden. Die Rotala S´Hra wird in dem Schwachlichtbecken auch rot, wohingegen sie in dem Starklichtbecken eher zu grün-gelben GrundFarbtönen mehr tendiert.
I find out some other type of plants and also named as Lindernia Grandiflora
So I just would like to ask wich is grandiflora and what is other one ?


  • Lindernia grandiflora.31.jpg
    Lindernia grandiflora.31.jpg
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  • Lindernia grandiflora From Aaron1.jpg
    Lindernia grandiflora From Aaron1.jpg
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  • Lindernia grandiflora from Olaf1.jpg
    Lindernia grandiflora from Olaf1.jpg
    1,5 MB · Aufrufe: 504

Heiko Muth (Sumpfheini)

Aquasabi Mitarbeiter
Hi Alan,
are both types grown in Your tank under equal conditions for some time?
If the difference is constant: I believe it's possible that both types belong to L. grandiflora. There are several cultivars of that species, flowering differently, used as garden and pot plant, particularly in the U.S. But I mean that can be tested only by emersed culture and flowering.
Beside that, I recommend You to ask also on ; in the U.S. they are more familiar with L. grandiflora than in old Europe.



Active Member
first pic is Lindernia Grandiflora, the other pics may be Lindernia Grandiflora, too.
The Plant will get somewhat bigger leafs (which didn´t look anymore that green) if you have proper lighing and good fert dosing.
Older Grandifloras can also turn to very nice red colours. :smile:
If lightning is low, plant will remain green.


  • L-Grandiflora.jpg
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Hi Heiko and Olaf
I definitely will try more lights and fert. They both from the same tank and same parameter. Grandiflora from second pic. is growing a bit faster with bigger leaves.
For submerst I think I can share some of it to try also. ;)

Heiko Muth (Sumpfheini)

Aquasabi Mitarbeiter
Hi Alan,
alanyusupov":14xdm5ls schrieb:
For submerst I think I can share some of it to try also. ;)
If You mean emersed: Yes, that would be interesting.
AFAIK, the first trial to keep Lindernia grandiflora submerged was made with a plant collected in the wild in Florida, by hobbyists in the U.S. (see But I don't know which variant (the smaller, greener or the bigger, more brownish one) is that wild type of L. grandiflora.
It's possible that subsequently other populations or cultivars of the rather well-known L. grandiflora were tried as aquarium plant, and are traded now as such.



Active Member
They both from the same tank and same parameter.
If this are the same plants I send yours buddy times ago, this are for sure Grandifloras. I got my from a market garden company which breed them (not from trades or any aquatic sources)
Grandiflora is (emersed) a flower plant with nice white/blue flowers and so, also called "Blue Moneywort".

Heiko Muth (Sumpfheini)

Aquasabi Mitarbeiter
Hi Olaf-Peter,
ich hätte den Thread-Anfang noch mal lesen sollen, dann hätte ich nicht nur spekulieren brauchen, sondern wieder gewusst, dass auch Gartenformen von Lindernia grandiflora schon in Aquarienkultur sind :smile:

Vergessliche Grüße :roll:

Heiko Muth (Sumpfheini)

Aquasabi Mitarbeiter
Hi Alan,
the 1st, greener, smaller, slower one, looking more similar to the plantfinder pic - that's the plant You have gotten first? The 2nd, bigger, faster, browner one: the plant from Olaf-Peter?
OK, then the 1st ist most probably the wild type that was collected in Florida, and the 2nd is the cultivated variety from the garden company. - As several cultivars of the Blue Moneywort exist, it's possible that one could see even more variation if they all were grown submerged.



Active Member
habe es bisher nur sehr selten beobachten können, aber unten ist mal eine submerse Grandiflora mit einer Unterwasserblüte. Leider hab ich kein bild der offenen Blüte, und den Zeitpunkt verpaßt. (sie verblühen änhlich wie bei anderen Wasserpflanzen sehr schnell)


  • blüte.jpg
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