Myriophyllum sp. "Roraima"

Heiko Muth (Sumpfheini)

Aquasabi Mitarbeiter
Hi Roberto,

I'll try to get the "Santa Catarina" and the male(?) green plant!
Myriophyllum experts: I don't know one personally, but You could contact the authors of some recent papers about Myriophyllum taxonomy / molecular systematics: Torres-Robles, Moody, Les ... s_2011.pdf ... 010%5D.pdf

I grow this Myriophyllum sp. "Red Stem" (bought as "Myriophyllum brasiliense") in an outdoor pond to many years. In this days it's blooming: I can post a photo.
It could be a different species than M. aquaticum, maybe an australian one.
Interestingly Moody & Les included in their analysis 2 "red Myriophyllums" from the trade, turning out to be related to M. aquaticum, but not exactly IDed as the plants didn't flower. I believe the "Red Stem" has something to do with their plants, probably identical.
I'd suggest, press Your flowering "Red Stem" and try to send the specimen to them!

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