The Bucephalandra's land of bliss


Active Member
One of my Bucephalandras tank photo. 90L (80x40x35cm), Eheim 2224, High-pressure CO2, fertilizer by Estimative Index. Here is about the half of my Bycephalandra collection. The rest are in my second tank.

There are about 10 kind of Microsorums + 2 small Bolbitis (near the left front - Bolbitis Heteroclita Cuspidata and Bolbitis Gua Angin - heigh about 8 cm). The Java ferns are: "mini Windelov" in the middle, Narrow "K" on the right of "mini Windelov", Thor's Hammer on the left , and Cross on the right of Thor's. Some bucephalandra are much bigger than other - at the middle you can see Super Blue (one of the biggest) and Buce. Sedong (on the right of SuperBlue). There are about 30 other Bucephalanra species.

Hi-res picture here:


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Hey vasteq,
Very nice your tank.
How much light are shining over your tank?



Active Member
4x18W T8 for about 9hours


Hey vasteq,

what kind of fertilizing do you do in this particular tank. I'm interested in the specific needs of Bucelephandras because I've noticed some grow better under low fertilizing.


Heiko Muth (Sumpfheini)

Aquasabi Mitarbeiter
Hello vasteq,
great! That allows to compare them all in the long run.
The blueish Buce variants are surely the first plants to add blue colour to the aquarium flora. Hopefully they grow and propagate with a passable rate.
JoeLePaul":2k0dkqln schrieb:
because I've noticed some grow better under low fertilizing.
Interesting; which Bucephalandra forms?
Also testing Buces in hard water might be telling. E.g., surprisingly "Melawi" and "Sekadau I" grow well in a 60 cm tank with much Mini landscape rock (calcareous) in the Aquasabi showroom. As far as I've read, some Bucephalandra populations are also found in limestone areas of Borneo, but the "Sekadau I" in a blackwater stream.



Active Member
I've noticed that some grow also in dark or in bowl with water under my (when I made a trimming and sometimes forget about them :p) But then Buces are not so much colorfull.


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Active Member
GH 15, KH 6, pH 7.0, NO3=25, PO4=2, Fe=0.3, Temp=25 Grad Celsius
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