Thorea Hispida


Active Member
Thorea Hispida was first found in Serbia in the river Danube at the end of the 19th century. This algae is included in the Red List of rare and threatened algae in some European countries:

  • Poland - extinct species,
  • Slovakia and Bulgaria - critically endangered species,
  • Germany - vulnerable,
  • Ukraine - rare species whose populations are small, which currently is not cathegorized as "endangered" or "vulnerable", althought it is danger.

Its habitats in Serbia are critically endangered. The family of Thoreaceae (Rhodobhyta) is a family of freshwater red algae. This alga was discovered only 87 years later, in 1996, in the river Beli Timok. Thorea Hispida is a widespread species in different parts of the world (Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America) with different climatic characteristic, but the ecological conditions of habitats where the species is present are very similar. It was found in Serbia in July and August, in river sections where the riverbed is 10-20 m wide, at 0.2-2 m depth, found on a stone and tree branches at non-shady sites, water temperature 22.5-24 degree (C), pH 8.2.



  • th - flowgrow.jpg
    th - flowgrow.jpg
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Active Member
Many aquatic plants are threatened and we keep them in our tanks :) So this is a god way to protect and multiply them.


Hey Christian,

ist das Zeug eher schleimig (man kanns mit den Fingern kaum abreißen) und treibt immer wieder neu aus? Wächst bevorzugt auf Holz oder Wurzeln von Bucephalandra?
Dann weiß ich endlich was es ist... Nur nicht wie ich es los werde. Hat jemand ne Idee? Easy Carbo ist unterwegs *hoff*

Edit: Bild

Viele Grüße
ich habe dazu schon ein Thema hier geöffnet. Anscheinend gibts keine richtige Behandlung. Es haftet bei mir am Wurzeln, egal ob strömung oder ohne und dazu noch an meinem Bioinnenfilter, aussen am Plastik. Unfassbar wie es sich dort halten und wachsen konnte. Habe beim neugestalten und umbau des Beckens alles entfernt. Dachte ich Holz konnte ich bisher nichts mehr sehen. Am Plastik ist schon wieder was. An den Wurzeln hatte ich es richtig "raus geschnitten".
Es ist sogar dort ausgetrieben wo Moos die Fläche bedeckt hat. Es kam dann irgendwann einfach durch das Moos durch.


Active Member
Christian - maybe it is nothing special for you if you have ithis algae in your area where you live (in your near river). Just as for me nothing special are some rare fissidens because it grow in my forest close to my house ...for the people from Borneo a Bucephalandra is nothing special. But for many aquarists that plants are curious and interesting mainly for the fact that they cannot buy it in normal shops :)


vasteq":3haqdlwi schrieb:
Many aquatic plants are threatened and we keep them in our tanks :) So this is a god way to protect and multiply them.


in my opinion, this is a very torn statement.
Surely, some species may benefit from us aquarists, by beeing kept, multiplied and passed around.
For other species this thing is surely looking way different.

We should think about the way bucephalandras are collected during this hype we are having at the moment as an example.
I heard stories of looting of whole natural stocks in one area.

Just saying; us aquarists are not just doing good things to nature.


vasteq":okjavnvg schrieb:
Christian - maybe it is nothing special for you if you have ithis algae in your area where you live (in your near river). Just as for me nothing special are some rare fissidens because it grow in my forest close to my house ...for the people from Borneo a Bucephalandra is nothing special. But for many aquarists that plants are curious and interesting mainly for the fact that they cannot buy it in normal shops :)


I don't think anyone wants this plant in his tank. It grows uncontrollable and it seems that you will never get rid of it.

Best regards,
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Petar Suche Thorea Hispida Suche Wasserpflanzen 0

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