Utricularia graminiflora

Tom Barr

GreenReef":3pon3v18 schrieb:
Tom Barr":3pon3v18 schrieb:
Looks very natural :D

Tom Barr
Hello Tom,
I did not hear your ironical tone of voice :D

best Regards and always good Growing

Yes, it was conspicuously absent:)
I like the U. grammifolia clumps flowing around the pathways in between.
I see patterns like this in natural systems.

I've always been fond of such patterns.

My tone is decisively different about the more artistic side and scaping side of planted aquariums.
It is a different area and field.

I saw the tank at the AGA, it was my favorite tank last year.
Both Ole and Troels said the same(both good friends of mine, oddly, we rarely talk about aquatic plants). I took them all over northern California to see the Redwoods, the Coast, the Wine country etc.

I think most liked it, a bit wild for some judges' opinions.
But I like such natural feel, but I do not judge scapes, it's a loathsome job :evil:

Tom Barr

Tom Barr

You might consider using metal window screen, you can cut to any pattern and reduce the light in certain spots, or aluminum foil/polished metal flashing.

This can help some plants.
Less is better when nit comes to lighting.

Tom Barr


When I read this, I get to the point to sell my 70 Watt Metalhalide-Lighting, I planned to install over the Utri´s tank (112 Liter brutto) and find me a 2 x 18 Watt T8 Setup which hopefully won´t let the Utri´s die away ;).

But what will the H.c.Cuba say :D?

Regards Mark.


Wenn ich die gesammelten Erfahrungen hier lese, komme ich für mich zu dem Schluss, die 70 Watt HQI-Lampe, die ich über dem Utricularia-Becken installieren wollte zugunsten einer 2 x 18 Watt T8 Leuchte zu verkaufen, und zu hoffen daß die Utricularia es weiterhin überlebt ;).

Was wird die H.c.Cuba dazu sagen :D?


Tom Barr

My L. cuba does quite well by anyone's standard's judges etc.
Some folks do not like stronger reds, most do, some want precise colors and leaf forms, but that is much more a rate of growth issue.

At faster rates, the plants have less time to assimilate the nutrients and structure
Differentiating between isolating growth rate(reduction) and providing non limiting conditions for a given CO2 and light intensity is not easy nor implies that adding NO3/PO4/K etc is the cause, it likely is secondary in their effects on plant form.

U grammifolia is fairly robust and weedy however.
Seems to require fair aggressive pruning after an initial grow in phase.

The same is true for many species, once established under a stable set of conditions,m they can grow quite rapidly. Stem plants respond quickly compared to Crypts and foreground plants tend to take a few weeks to get started and then need attention.

However, if you "top" stem plants, they get established in a similar manner and have fast growth rates as well, Myriophyllum species for example do this and can be quite aggressive.

Glosstigma is extremely aggressive and HC is as well. Many in the USA suggest that aquarists use high light for these! Ack!

Use lower light, that slows their growth rate way way down and makes things more mangable!
Using less light(limiting growth) rather than less nutrients makes more sense. Thats' where growth starts and what drives CO2 and nutrient uptake.

That is basic plant science.
All the comments about it cannot avoid addressing that.
Plants do not grow on nutrients alone.

Reducing and adjusting light is far more stable, easier, cost less, requires little if any testing, reproducible etc, cost less, uses less electricity, gives nicer colors/no washed out colors from high light.

Many advantages to less light.
It also allows aquarists to use less fertilizer if they so chose as well and have a larger workable range for CO2 and for NPK, Fe etc.

For Uticularia, the entire genus is very fast growing, I find them in Florida, up in alpine regions in CA, in my tank (U gibba):evil: and nicer species such as this one.

Tom Barr



ich hatte vor einigen Monaten die hier beschriebene Pflanze aus meinem Becken verbannt. Jetzt finde ich im Moos überall spirrige Triebe mit kleinen Blättchen und Fangblasen. Kann ich die Triebe wieder so kultivieren, dass es wieder die ursprüngliche U.g. Wuchsform herauskommt, oder gibt es zwei Wuchsformen der Pflanze?




Active Member
Hallo Dieter,

kann es sein das du jetzt die Utricularia gibba hast?

Die hab ich mir irgendwann mal eingefangen und bin sie nur mühsam losgeworden.

Gruss, Christian


Active Member
Hallo Dieter,

dann nehm ich meine Aussage zurück :wink:

Hab damals aber versucht die frei schwimmenden Fitzel zu kultivieren, leider ohne Erfolg.

Vielleicht wäre ein Versuch auf Sumpf nicht schlecht?

Ideal dafür wären eingeweichte Kokosfasern, vielleicht auch Torf.

Gruss, Christian




Ich hab das Problem das meine Panzerwelse immer wieder die U.g. ausbudeln! Kann man die auch aufbinden, hab eine asiatische Stelzwurzel im Becken!

Gruß Marek


Ich will auch mal einbringen, dass ich demnächst abdreh mit der UG!
Habe jetzt über mein 25L Becken mal eine zusätzliche 18Watt 830er drüber und hoffe nach mehrmaligem einpflanzen, dass sie mal festwächst... Sonst probier ich es mal emers...
Die einzelnen "Fasern" schwimmen halt immer oben... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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