Aquariums von InterZoo 2012 - videos für Aquarianer

Piotr K.

Hi guys,

I decided to start a new thread, containing the whole series of my videos about InterZoo 2012. Here is the first video, which I uploaded today:


It's a trailer with some examples of what could be seen at the fair. More detailed videos, showing more booths, and in a more detailed way, coming soon! :)

PS: Do you know other German forums/websites where I could try to post links to these videos?

Hi guys,

First bunch of videos from the veeeery long series about aquariums of InterZoo 2012:

Sera (the largest aquarium of the fair):


Hagen (stylish nanoaquariums Fluval Spec, Edge and Chi):


AquaEl (aquarium inspired by Euro 2012 football championship):


Stoffels International (the smallest planted aquarium of the fair):


Schuran (Plexiglass aquariums with jellyfish):


Aquarium Systems/Newa & Arcadia (marine aquariums with captive bred jellyfish):


Each video about 2:30 mins. Tell me what you think - maybe it's better to make longer videos, each showing several booths together…?

And also another question - are you interested in aquariums other than planted ones...?

Hey :)

Another videos from InterZoo 2012 fair:

Dähne Verlag and JBL (planted nanoaquarium by Adrie Baumann, and large tank with discus and arowanas):


Tropica (planted aquariums arranged by guys from UKAPS :) ):


Enjoy! :)
Hi guys :)

Long time no see, but I'm back with lots of new videos :)

Honest Star (two marine aquariums with crystal-clear water)


Honest Star - marine aquarium no 1


Honest Star - marine aquarium no 2 (wonderful fish!)


Virea and coral-shop (interesting hood, and nice marine cube)


Enjoy! :)
Awesome...! just stumbled over your thread and I guess I'll spend the night watching your vids now :thumbs: thanx for sharing... as far as I can tell by the first two, they are wonderfull and I so much love the Jellyfish!!
weisswasser":355lyd29 schrieb:
Awesome...! just stumbled over your thread and I guess I'll spend the night watching your vids now :thumbs: thanx for sharing... as far as I can tell by the first two, they are wonderfull and I so much love the Jellyfish!!
Thx, White Water ;) I have over 100 vids now on my YT channel, so it will take some time to watch them... :kaffee2:

Piotr, your vids are so much fun to watch! Not that I've been through to them all by now, but those I've seen so far are great! :thumbs: Fantastic work you've done there... I'll add you :wink: greetz!