ADA Style Unterschrank

Hi Chris und GG71,

danke für die Übersetzung und die Hinweise. Ich werde mich mal direkt an Viktor wenden.

Viele Grüße,
Hi Chris!

gartentiger":2cz0cnwc schrieb:
[...] oder hochglanz.

Und eben das ist meines Wissens nach nicht möglich. Die Schränke werden wohl grundsätzlich in matter Ausfertigung geliefert, hängt wohl mit der Empfindlichkeit beim Transport zusammen.

Ich hab' nämlich auch grade eine Bestellung laufen. :D

Schöne Grüße,
Hi Marcel,

Die Schränke werden wohl grundsätzlich in matter Ausfertigung geliefert, hängt wohl mit der Empfindlichkeit beim Transport zusammen.

Das mag neu sein. Hatte jedenfalls bei meiner Bestellung im letzten Jahr extra Wert drauf gelegt, eine matte Lackierung zu bekommen.

lg Chris

eine Frage habe ich zu der Firma in Ungarn. Wo genau stellen die denn die Schraenke her bzw. wo koennte man die sich abholen, wenn man gerade mal vor Ort ist? Tobi, du muesstest das doch sicher wissen, oder? Eventuell fahr ich dann einfach demnaechst mal vorbei und nehme einen mit...
Cheers guys, sorry that i write in english, but my german is not good at all ;)
I would not like to mess up this topic, but i've seen many questions in the past. I thought i register, so you can PM me with any questions you have regarding the cabinets from now. Hopefully this will be easier for all of you than figuring out the things on our hungarian site ;)

I also managing a similar aquascaping community in my country ( ) and i have to tell you that Flowgrow is one of the best ones in Europe. I am a reader of this board a while ago, but because the language limitations on my side i stayed in the background. :beten:

Great work with the forum guys. Please do not hesitate to PM with any questions. We will try to answer that quickly.

The laminated ones maybe not worth to send to Germany as the shipping fee is too much compare to the value of the cabinet.

The painted (premium line) cabinets could be painted in any color on the RAL or the rich NCS system too (Natural Color System) which has more variants in it. We do custom sizes and custom request too.

Hope you do not mind if i link some current photos from our gallery.

Nano cabinets: ... otostream/

snapshot from the gallery with many premium cabinets and these nano ones:

The waterproof painted ones are really resistent to water splashes. Since we have the gallery we overfilled some of the tanks with water :oops: but there's no sign of any damage in these cabinets. The multi layered coating, silicone addition, and the fine finishing protect the cabinet from soaking. Maybe this not add that much to the plate, but i had many laminated cabinets before and even with a small filtration leaking the cabinets damaged a lot. So for those who hate this, it's a nice addition.

Excuse me that i wrote in english, hopefully this was helpful. To stay in the local language on this topic, please use the PM to contact me.

Keep up the good work guys! :wink:
Hello Viktor,

i would like to ask you if you have problems fitting the dennerle nano tanks to your ada-style cabinets. i´ve done one myself and sadly the nano tanks are somewhat crooked and the radius on each side is unequal to the other. so, is it just my tank or is it something sad but normal?

kind regards
Daniel_F.":1y3msq3y schrieb:
Hello Viktor,

i would like to ask you if you have problems fitting the dennerle nano tanks to your ada-style cabinets. i´ve done one myself and sadly the nano tanks are somewhat crooked and the radius on each side is unequal to the other. so, is it just my tank or is it something sad but normal?

kind regards

Hi Daniel,
Hope this is not a problem that i answer in english. I still recommend to use the direct message, otherwise this topic will turn to an english one, which maybe an issue to some users. So please feel free to PM me with any questions in the future.

In the past we made a special Dennerle cabinet with the similar hand-made craftwork which you can see on this link: ... 920690559/
These cabinets has a radius which works better for these curved nano tanks. So for Dennerle nanos i recommend these cabinets rather than the regular ADA style ones.

I am not sure i understand the question. Have you tried the above mentioned cabinet and the dennerle nano not match with the curved cabinet?
if that's the question, i do not have an answer on that currently. Would be nice to see both the tank and the cabinet to figure out the issue. Dennerle tanks are manufactured by machines in a bulk i guess. I do not think its curving radius would be different, but this can happen. The cabinets are hand-made ones. Based on the manufacturer's info this have to match with the tank, but noone mentioned me issues with the radius.

If you could provide a bit more details or a photo on this, i would appreciate that. So we can check what is the issue with the cabinet.

Hello Viktor,

its not a problem with YOUR cabinets, i made one myself. And there i have the problem, that the radius on the right side is other than on the left side.

here you can see the cabinet, since i putted the tank on top of the cabinet its hard to take a good photo showing the errors.

So i just would like to know if you ever had trouble with mis-aligning of the radius :beten:

kind regards

EDIT Admin: Fremdverlinktes Bild entfernt, bitte Foren-Uploader nutzen.
We only sold a few pieces for Dennerle nanos (the regular cabinets are much more popular here).
But we did not had problem on those.

The thing is that, the manufacturer we're working with is in the industry for ages now. They made much more challenging stuff than these cabinets in the past. So this is different what i would do at home ;)


ps: the cabinet you did looks pretty good by the way :top:

Daniel_F.":21ziwh6l schrieb:
Hello Viktor,

its not a problem with YOUR cabinets, i made one myself. And there i have the problem, that the radius on the right side is other than on the left side. ... osvd4q.jpg

here you can see the cabinet, since i putted the tank on top of the cabinet its hard to take a good photo showing the errors.

So i just would like to know if you ever had trouble with mis-aligning of the radius :beten:

kind regards

it was done on a professional woodworking unit, too. And my father is a semi-professional "woodworker" :wink:

Ich werde mir wohl in nächster Zeit einen Unterschrank bestellen.
Gibt es eventuell noch andere die auch bestellen wollen (Süddeutschland, Karlsruhe); dann könnte man sich ja zusammenschließen und etwas Transportkosten sparen.

Hi Alex,
ich spiele mit dem Gedanken. Der Schrank müsste dann nach 91056 Erlangen. Wann willst du bestellen?
Grüße, Basti
Habt Ihr schon genauere Infos zu den Preisen?

Vor kurzem habe ich angefragt. Ein Schrank der Größe
120x45x70cm in "premium finish" kostet jetzt 789,- EUR.
Auf der Webseite stehen noch 585,- EUR, aber das ist wohl der
veraltete Einführungspreis, den es nicht mehr gibt.
(siehe ... x70cm.html).

Dazu kommen noch Transportkosten von 150,- EUR, wenn man nicht zusammen bestellt.

Die Original ADA Schränke die es bei ADA Italien gibt, scheinen günstiger zu sein. Dort gibt es
zwar nicht den 120x45x70cm, aber einen 90x45x75cm für 485,- EUR.
Siehe ... e%20Mobili

Der alte Preis der ungarischen Schränke schien mir in das Preisschema zu passen, der neue Preis
nicht mehr.

Viele Grüße,

789Euronen für nen Schrank :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: Wenn ihr sonst keine Sorgen habt :wink: